##!c:/perl/bin/perl -w # $RCSfile: __perl_net_get_news_win32_tk_u_02_003.pl $ $Revision: 0.2003 $ $Date: 2018/2/13 00:00:01 $ # Perl version : 5.240.2400 # Perl/Tk version : 804.027 :Tk patchLevel , 804 # @ Copy right : Hiroshi Hayashi:geg01137@nifty.com #------------------------------------------------------------------ #use strict; #use warnings; use utf8; use Tk; use Win32::GUI(); use Win32; use Cwd; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use Encode::JP; use Encode qw(from_to encode decode is_utf8 encode_utf8); use Encode::Guess qw/shift-jis euc-jp 7bit-jis/; use Time::Local; # ----------------------------------------------------------- # グローバル変数 my $font = "{MS 明朝} 16"; my $fontsize = 16; my $font1 = '{MS 明朝}16'; my $font2 = '{MS 明朝}16';#タイトルの文字の大きさ my $scrolled_height = 16; my $scrolied_width = 16; my $f_read_prog_s = encode("shift-jis","__perl_net_get_news_win32_tk_u_02_003_readme_u.htm"); # 注意事項_プログラム使用 # メインメニュー ------------------------------------- my $top = MainWindow->new(); $top->title("ニュース各社まとめ読み by ActivePerl"); my $t_t .= "====================================================================\n"; $t_t .= "****     ニュース各社まとめ読みツール****        \n"; $t_t .= "====================================================================\n"; $t_t .= "朝日・毎日・読売・IZA・中日新聞・Livdoor・Yahooをまとめて読みます。 \n"; $t_t .= "最初の起動時のみ、1時間以内分の記事を選択します。         \n"; $t_t .= "その後は、前に読んだ時間以降の記事を選択します。(最長24時間以内)\n"; $t_t .= "一番古い記事の時間を変えると、最長24時間以内まで遡れます。    \n"; $t_t .= "===================================================================\n"; $top->Label (-font => $font1,-text => $t_t ,-foreground => 'blue' )->pack(-side => "top"); $top->Button(-font => $font2,-text => "ニュース読み・処理",-command => \&all )->pack(-side => "left"); $top->Button(-font => $font2,-text => "ニュース読みのみ" ,-command => \&news_get )->pack(-side => "left"); $top->Button(-font => $font2,-text => "ニュース処理のみ" ,-command => \&perl_get_news_htm2table)->pack(-side => "left"); $top->Button(-font => $font2,-text => "説明書" ,-command => \&message_manual )->pack(-side => "left"); $top->Button(-font => $font2,-text => "バージョン表示他" ,-command => \&message_about )->pack(-side => "left"); $top->Button(-font => $font2,-text => "終了" ,-command => sub { exit; } )->pack(-side => "right"); MainLoop(); # sub ======================================================================== sub all { &news_get; &perl_get_news_htm2table; print "end\n";# ; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # html2table_begin---------------------------------------- sub perl_get_news_htm2table { # now time --------------------------------------------- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$stime) = localtime(time); $year_now = $year + 1900; $month_now = $month + 1; $time_now = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",$year_now,$month_now,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); # move htm2csv and htm2table old file ---------------------------- opendir(DRC,".");@f_old = grep(/_htm2csv_\d+\.htm$/i || /_htm2table_\d+\.htm$/i,readdir(DRC));closedir(DRC); foreach $f_old(@f_old) { $drc = "_kiji_01";mkdir($drc,"0644"); open(IN,"< $f_old");open(OU,"> $drc/$f_old"); while() {print OU;} close(IN); close(OU); unlink($f_old); } # read old time --------------------------------------------------------------- opendir(DRC,".");@f_temp = grep(/^temp/ && /\.htm$/,readdir(DRC));closedir(DRC); if((@f_temp) == 0) { print encode("shift-jis","[記事が有りません!記事を読んでからこの処理をしてください[CR]\n");#; last; } $f_old = $f_temp[0]; ($time_old) = ($f_old =~ m#(\d+_\d+)_#);$time_old2 = $time_old;$time_old2 =~ s/_/\./; $f_new = $f_temp[$#f_temp];($time_new) = ($f_new =~ m#(\d+_\d+)_#);$time_new2 = $time_new;$time_new2 =~ s/_/\./; $time_sa = $time_new2 - $time_old2; print encode("shift-jis","時間差は[$time_new2 - $time_old2]->[$time_sa]です\n");#; if($time_sa < 0.0030) { # 30分以内は、「1時間前」から処理する print encode("shift-jis","前回との時間差は[$time_sa]です\n"); print encode("shift-jis","新しい記事の1時間前から処理します\n"); ($year_old,$month_old,$mday_old,$hour_old,$min_old,$sec_old) = ($time_new2 =~ m/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})\.(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/); # print "($year_old,$month_old,$mday_old,$hour_old,$min_old,$sec_old)";; $month_old -= 1; $year_old -= 1900; $time_old3 = timelocal($sec_old,$min_old,$hour_old,$mday_old,$month_old,$year_old); $time_old3 -= 60 * 60; ($sec_old,$min_old,$hour_old,$mday_old,$month_old,$year_old,$wday_old,$yday_old,$isdst_old) = localtime($time_old3); $month_old += 1; $year_old += 1900; $time_old4 = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",$year_old,$month_old,$mday_old,$hour_old,$min_old,$sec_old); print encode("shift-jis","[$time_old4]以降を読みます\n"); $time_old = $time_old4; } elsif($time_sa > 1.000000) { # 1日以上は、1日分処理する print encode("shift-jis","前回との時間差は[$time_sa]です\n"); print encode("shift-jis","古い記事の24時間前から処理します\n"); ($year_old,$month_old,$mday_old,$hour_old,$min_old,$sec_old) = ($time_new2 =~ m/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})\.(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/); # print "($year_old,$month_old,$mday_old,$hour_old,$min_old,$sec_old)";; $month_old -= 1; $year_old -= 1900; $time_old3 = timelocal($sec_old, $min_old, $hour_old,$mday_old, $month_old,$year_old); $time_old3 -= 24 * 60 * 60; ($sec_old,$min_old,$hour_old,$mday_old,$month_old,$year_old,$wday_old,$yday_old,$isdst_old) = localtime($time_old3); $month_old += 1; $year_old += 1900; $time_old4 = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",$year_old,$month_old,$mday_old,$hour_old,$min_old,$sec_old); print encode("shift-jis","[$time_old4]以降を読みます\n"); $time_old = $time_old4; } else {;} print encode("shift-jis","[$time_old]以降を読んでます\n"); # open out_file --------------------------------------------------------------- $f_ou_csv = $time_now . "_perl_net_get_news_01_002_htm2csv_035.htm"; $f_ou_tbl = $time_now . "_perl_net_get_news_01_002_htm2table_035.htm"; open(OU_CSV,"> $f_ou_csv"); open(OU_TABLE,"> $f_ou_tbl"); # 1 html2csv --------------------------------------------------------- # input --------------------------------------------------------------- # opendir(DRC,".");@f_htm = grep(/^temp/ and /__[a-z]+\.htm$/,readdir(DRC));closedir(DRC); opendir(DRC,".");@f_htm = grep(/__[a-z]+\.htm$/,readdir(DRC));closedir(DRC); #print "a_f_htm[@f_htm]";; @out = @out2 = @out3 = (); %mark = (); foreach $f_htm (@f_htm) { ($name) = ($f_htm =~ m#__(.+?)\.htm#); print encode("shift-jis","[$name]を処理しています\n"); open(IN,"< $f_htm"); @line = ;close(IN); my $line = join("",@line); $line =~ s/[\t\r\n]+//g;$line =~ s/> +name, $line); } $line =~ s#charset="*(.+?)"##; my $charset = $&; # print "

name[$name]:[$charset]\n";#; # 区切り単位を [\n]で区切る------------------ $line =~ s#(.+?)#\n\n$1\n\n#g; $line =~ s#(

.+?)#\n\n$1\n\n#g; $line =~ s#(
  • *.+?
  • )#\n$1\n#g; $line =~ s#(


    )#\n$1\n#g; # ------------------------------------------------------------ @line = split("\n",$line); # 社名,カテゴリ,文,時間(20180128_193000)形式, foreach $line(@line) { if($name eq "yomiuri") { if ($line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d+:\d+#) { $line =~ s###; $line =~ s#(
    #$1>#; $line =~ s#.+?##; $line =~ s#.+?##; #)#); # 50074.html ?from=ytop_ylist">小規模飲食店は「喫煙可」…客離れ懸念受け修正,20180130_135400 ,
    $a_href =~ s#\?from=.+?">#">#; ($nengappi) = ($a_href =~ m#(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)\-#); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#
    (.+?)#); ($ji,$hun) = ($line =~ m#((\d+):(\d+))#); $time = sprintf("%08d_%02d%02d00",$nengappi,$ji,$hun); # print "yomiuri_time:[$time]:";; $bun =~ s#((\d+):(\d+))##; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time ,"; push(@out,"$csv"); } } } elsif($name eq "asahi") { if( $line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d\d:\d\d#) { $line =~ s#)# ); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)<# ); # ($time) = ($line =~ m#\((.+?)\)#); print "asahi_time[$time]\n"; ($month,$day,$hours,$minutes) = ($line =~ m#(\d+)/(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+)#); if($month_now == 1 and $month == 12) {$year_befor = $year_now - 1;} else {$year_befor = $year_now; } $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d00",$year_befor,$month,$day,$hours,$minutes); # print "asahi_time:[$time]:time2[$time2]";; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { # print "($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} ";; if(length($bun) > 10) { $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time ,"; $csv =~ s#,+#,#g; push(@out,"$csv"); } } } } elsif($name eq "mainichi") { if( $line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d\d:\d\d#) { $line =~ s#
    )#); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)#); ($time) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)#); $time =~ s# +#_#; $time =~ s#[年月日:]##g; $time .= "00"; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { if(length($bun) > 10) { $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time ,"; $csv =~ s#,+#,#g; push(@out,"$csv"); } } } } elsif($name eq "iza") { $line =~ s###; if( $line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d\d:\d\d#) { $line =~ s#
    )# ); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)<# ); ($time) = ($line =~ m##); $time =~ s# +#_#; $time =~ s#[\.:]##g; $time .= "00"; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { if(length($bun) > 10 and $time ne "") { $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time ,"; # $csv =~ s#,+#,#g; push(@out,"$csv"); } } } } elsif($name eq "chunichi") { $line =~ s##){ ($class) = ($line =~ m#

    #); } elsif( $line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d\d:\d\d#) { ($gatu,$hi,$ji,$hun) = ($line =~ m#(\d+)月(\d+)日 +(\d+):(\d+)#); if($month_now == 1 and $month == 12) {$year_befor = $year_now - 1;} else {$year_befor = $year_now; } $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d00",$year_befor,$gatu,$hi,$ji,$hun); ($a_href) = ($line =~ m#(
    )# ); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)<# ); $bun =~ s#(\d+月\d+日 +\d+:\d+)##; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { if(length($bun) > 10) { $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time ,"; $csv =~ s#,+#,#g; push(@out,"$csv"); } } } } elsif ($name eq "yahoo") { if ($line =~ m#


    #) {$class = $1;} elsif ($line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d+:\d+#) { $line =~ s###; $line =~ s#(
    #$1>#; $line =~ s#.+?##; $line =~ s#.+?##; ($a_href) = ($line =~ m#()#); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)#); $bun =~ s#(.+?)##; # 1/29(月) 10:06 ($time) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)#); ($gatu,$hi) = ($time =~ m#(\d+)/(\d+)#); ($ji,$hun) = ($time =~ m#(\d+):(\d+)#); if($month_now == 1 and $month == 12) {$year_befor = $year_now - 1;} else {$year_befor = $year_now; } $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d00",$year_befor,$gatu,$hi,$ji,$hun); $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time ,"; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { push(@out,"$csv"); } } } elsif ($name eq "livedoor") { if ($line =~ m#


    #) {$class = $1;} elsif ($line =~ m#
  • *.+?
  • # and $line =~ m#\d+:\d+#) { $line =~ s#

    >##g; $line =~ s#

    ##; $line =~ s#


    ##; $line =~ s###; $line =~ s#(#$1>#; ($a_href) = ($line =~ m#()#); ($bun) = ($line =~ m#(.+?)#); $bun =~ s#

    ##; $bun =~ s#

    ##g; $bun =~ s###; ($time) = ($line =~ m##); ($year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min) = ($time =~ m#(\d+)年(\d+)月(\d+)日 +(\d+)時(\d+)分#); # 2018年1月30日 10時15分 ,
    $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d00",$year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min); $csv = "$name,$class,$a_href,$bun,$time,"; $mark{$a_href}++; if($time gt $time_old and $mark{$a_href} == 1) { # print "liv:$time gt $time_old";; push(@out,"$csv"); } } } } # ----------------------------------------------------- close(IN); } print OU_CSV join("
    \n",@out) ,"
    \n"; close(OU_CSV); # print "[html2csv]end";; #----------------------------------------- # 2 csv2table ====================================================================== # header & index prin --------------------------------------------------------------- &cotegry; &header_prin; &body_index_prin; # data prin --------------------------------------------------------------- my @contents_u = (); foreach $_(@out) { $contents_u = $_; # print encode("shift-jis","1:contents[$contents_u]\n");; next if($contents_u =~ m#^,+$#); ($name,$cotegry,$ahref,$bun,$time) = split(",",$contents_u); if($cotegry_j{$cotegry{$cotegry}} ne "") {$cotegry_j = $cotegry_j{$cotegry{$cotegry}};} else {$cotegry_j = $cotegry;} push(@out2,"$cotegry_j,$bun,$name,$cotegry_j,$ahref,$bun,$time"); } @out = (); @out3 = sort @out2; @out2 = (); # カテゴリで並び替え------------------------------------------ $i = 0; foreach $out3(@out3) { ($dumy,$dumy2,$name,$cotegry_j,$ahref,$bun,$time) = split(",",$out3); $day_kiji = $time; if($day_kiji >= $time_old) { $i++; &body_jisseki($cotegry_j,"$ahref$bun",$name,$time); } } # futer_prn --------------------------------- &futer_prn; close(OU_TABLE); print encode("shift_jis","[$i]記事を表示します。\n"); system("start $f_ou_tbl"); } # sub begin ------------------------------------------- sub cotegry { %cotegry_j = ( 'culture','文化' , 'entame' ,'エンタメ', 'keizai' ,'IT 経済' , 'other' ,'その他' , 'others' ,'その他' , 'seiji' ,'政治' , 'shakai' ,'社会' , 'sports' ,'スポーツ', 'world' ,'国際' , 'アクセスランキング:映像' ,'アクセスランキング(エンタメ)', 'アクセスランキング:雑誌' ,'アクセスランキング', 'アクセスランキング:雑誌(スポーツ)','アクセスランキング(スポーツ)', 'アクセスランキング:雑誌(ライフ)' ,'アクセスランキング(ライフ)', 'アクセスランキング:雑誌(国際)' ,'アクセスランキング(国際)', ); %cotegry = ( '010' ,'seiji' , '020' ,'keizai' , '030' ,'world' , '040' ,'shakai' , '050' ,'sports' , '060' ,'others' , 'business' ,'keizai' , 'IT 経済' ,'keizai' , 'column' ,'others' , 'culture' ,'culture', 'economics' ,'keizai' , 'economy' ,'keizai' , 'entertainments','entame' , 'events' ,'shakai' , 'international' ,'world' , 'keizai' ,'keizai' , 'life' ,'shakai' , 'national' ,'shakai' , 'others' ,'others' , 'election' ,'seiji' , 'politics' ,'seiji' , 'seiji' ,'seiji' , 'shakai' ,'shakai' , 'shamen' ,'others' , 'shasetsu' ,'others' , 'sports' ,'sports' , 'world' ,'world' , '海外' ,'world' , '国内' ,'shakai' , '雑誌アクセスランキング' ,'アクセスランキング:雑誌', '映像アクセスランキング' ,'アクセスランキング:映像', '雑誌アクセスランキング(スポーツ)','アクセスランキング:雑誌(スポーツ)', '雑誌アクセスランキング(ライフ)' ,'アクセスランキング:雑誌(ライフ)', '雑誌アクセスランキング(国際)' ,'アクセスランキング:雑誌(国際)', ); } # ----------------------------------------- sub body_index_prin { my $body_index = << "EOF";


    [ $time_old ~ $time_new ]間のニュースです。


    EOF print OU_TABLE encode("utf-8",$body_index); # print "body_index END\n"; } # ----------------------------------------- sub body_jisseki { ($cotegry,$ahref,$name,$time) = @_; my $body_jisseki = << "EOF"; EOF print OU_TABLE encode("utf-8",$body_jisseki); } # ----------------------------------------- sub time_request { my ($time_request) = @_; my @time = localtime($time_request); #作成日付 @time = reverse(@time); $time[3] += 1900; $time[4] += 1; my $time = sprintf("%4s%02s%02s_%02s%02s%02s",@time[3..8]) ; return $time; } sub header_prin { print OU_TABLE < ニュースを効率よく掲載!! EOF0 } sub futer_prn { print OU_TABLE << 'EOF2';
    EOF2 } # html2table_end------------------------------------------ # sub ================================================================ sub news_get { # old temp move and delete --------------------------------------------- opendir(DRC,".");@f_temp = grep(/^temp/ && /\.htm$/,readdir(DRC));closedir(DRC); # print "1:f_old[@f_temp]";; $f_old = $f_temp[0]; $drc = "_kiji_01"; mkdir($drc,"0644"); open(IN,"< $f_old"); open(OU,"> $drc/$f_old"); while() {print OU;} close(IN); close(OU); unlink($f_old); # delete temp htm ------------------------------------------------ $f_old = pop(@f_temp); foreach $f_temp(@f_temp) {unlink($f_temp);} # check proxy ----------------------------------------------------- my $set = `set`; chomp($set); if($set =~ /http_proxy/i) { print encode("shift-jis","[proxy]には対応していません!!!\n"); print encode("shift-jis","スクリプト内の[proxy サーバ]を記述してください\n"); # $ua->proxy('http', ''); print encode("shift-jis","20秒後に終了します!\n");#; sleep(20); exit; } else {print "[not proxy]\n";} my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->timeout(100); #タイムアウトを設定 $ua->agent('Mozilla'); #ユーザエージェントを設定 # get news ------------------------------------------------------- &url; foreach my $url (@url) { print encode("shift-jis","[$url]サイトを読んでいます\n");#; if ($url =~ /asahi/) {$name = "asahi";} elsif ($url =~ /mainichi/) {$name = "mainichi";} elsif ($url =~ /iza/) {$name = "iza";} elsif ($url =~ /chunichi/) {$name = "chunichi";} elsif ($url =~ /yomiuri/) {$name = "yomiuri";} elsif ($url =~ /livedoor/) {$name = "livedoor";} elsif ($url =~ /yahoo/) {$name = "yahoo";} $mark{$name}++; # get ------------------------------------------------------------ my $t = time(); # $url .= '?' . $t; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); $req->referer('http://referrer.asahi.com'); # リファラーを設定 my $res = $ua->request($req); # requestメソッドではリダイレクトも自動的に処理するため、 # そうしたくない場合はsimple_requestメソッドを使用するとよい。 # is_successの他にis_redirect、is_errorなどがある # is_redirectを判定する場合、simple_requestメソッドを使用 if ($res->is_success) {$content = $res->content;} else {$content = $res->status_line . "\n";} # out ------------------------------------------------------------ ($time) = &get_time; $time =~ s#\-+##g; $time =~ s#:+##g; # print encode("shift-jis","今の時間($time):"); $f_out = "temp_" . "$time" . "_01_get_news__" . "$name.htm"; # print "f_out[$f_out]\n";#; $f_out =~ s#:#_#g; if ($mark{$name} == 1) {open(OU,"> $f_out");} elsif ($mark{$name} > 1) {open(OU,">> $f_out");} print OU $res->content; close(OU); } print "[get_news_END]\n";#; } sub get_time { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon += 1; $time = sprintf("%02s-%02s-%02s_%02s:%02s:%02s",$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); return $time; } sub url { @url = qw ( http://www.asahi.com/news/ http://www.chunichi.co.jp/ http://www.iza.ne.jp/ http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/ http://mainichi.jp/flash/1 http://news.livedoor.com/article/category/52/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/dom/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/eco/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/en http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/gourmet/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/love/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/sports/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/trend/ http://news.livedoor.com/topics/category/world/ https://news.yahoo.co.jp https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=bus https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=c_ent https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=c_int https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=c_life https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=c_sci https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=c_spo https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=dom https://news.yahoo.co.jp/hl?c=loc ); } # get_news_end-------------------------------------------- # tk begin ----------------------------------------------- sub message_manual { # プログラムの使用についてを表示する system("start $f_read_prog_s"); # 注意事項_プログラム使用 } sub change_number { # 行番号の処理 my ($txt,$number_flag) = @_; my $line = $txt->index( 'end' ); my $i; if( $number_flag ){for $i (1 .. $line){$txt->insert( "$i.0", sprintf( "%6d:", $i ), 'LINENUM' );}} else {for $i (1 .. $line){$txt->delete( "$i.0", "$i.7" );}} } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub message_about { my $sub_win = $top->Toplevel(); # ウィンドウを何回も生成 $sub_win->title("Perl/Tk Version Info"); ShowVersion($sub_win,"Perl version" , $]); # ラベルを定義 ShowVersion($sub_win,"Perl/Tk version" , $Tk::VERSION); ShowVersion($sub_win,"Tk patchLevel" , $Tk::patchLevel); ShowVersion($sub_win,"perltk make kml" , "make_kml_launcher3_win32_13_010.pl"); ShowVersion($sub_win,"Copy right" , "はやしひろし:geg01137\@nifty.com"); ShowVersion($sub_win,"fontsize" , $fontsize); ShowVersion($sub_win,"height " , $scrolled_height); ShowVersion($sub_win,"width " , $scrolied_width); } sub ShowVersion { my ($sub_win,$descr, $ver_info) = @_; $sub_win->Label( -font => $font1, -text => "$descr\t:\t$ver_info", -relief => 'ridge', -padx => 10, -anchor => 'w' )->pack(-fill => 'x'); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;
    カテゴリ 記事 社名 タイム
    $cotegry $ahref $name $time